Sunday, April 27, 2025:
If you’re wanting to explore the many ways to engage here at KBC beyond our worship services, Consider Class is for you! It’s a wonderful opportunity to ask questions, gain a deeper understanding of our church community, and interact with our leaders. Childcare will be provided. RSVP below!
We are desiring for Consider Class to be the first step towards membership. If you have already begun the membership process and would like to jump into Membership Class directly or have questions about Consider, reach out to us here!
More Upcoming KBC Events:
KBC Wesley Chapel Prayer Meeting
Thursday, April 17, 2025: Join us as our prayer team leads us in a powerful hour of prayer at our upcoming prayer meeting. Our next meeting will be on Thursday, April 17 from 7:00-8:00PM. Experience the power of prayer as we come together to lift our voices in...
Easter Weekend at Keystone Bible Church
Here are the details for Easter weekend at KBC! See the details below to know what to expect at either of our congregations. Be sure to invite friends and family to join us, all are welcome! KBC Odessa congregation:-Good Friday service: Friday, April 18 from 6:30 -...
KBC Wesley Chapel Consider Class
Sunday, April 27, 2025: If you're wanting to explore the many ways to engage here at KBC beyond our worship services, Consider Class is for you! It's a wonderful opportunity to ask questions, gain a deeper understanding of our church community, and interact with our...