Sunday, April 27, 2025:
If you’re wanting to explore the many ways to engage here at KBC beyond our worship services, Consider Class is for you! It’s a wonderful opportunity to ask questions, gain a deeper understanding of our church community, and interact with our leaders. Childcare will be provided. RSVP below!
We are desiring for Consider Class to be the first step towards membership. If you have already begun the membership process and would like to jump into Membership Class directly or have questions about Consider, reach out to us here!
More Upcoming KBC Events:
Keystone Students: Summer Camp
July 21-26, 2025: Students! Mark your calendars for July 21-26 for this year's Summer Camp at The Wilds up in Brevard, North Carolina. We are thrilled to be able to hear our KBC Gospel Partner Will Galkin as the speaker for the week. Register today! Cost: $425 + $15...
Keystone Men’s Group: Ephesians
Starting Friday, January 10, 2025: This men's group will aim to uncover the layers of Ephesians and discover the depth of the immeasurable blessings we have in Jesus Christ. The main source material used will be the study guide from the MacArthur Bible Study series...
Keystone Kids: Awana 2024-25
We are so looking forward to launching our Awana children's ministry this fall! Our Awana program is for children ranging from the ages of 3 years old through 5th grade and will take place on Wednesdays from 6:15-7:30PM launching with our Awana Kickoff Party on...