Wednesday, December 4, 2024:
Ladies, join us for an evening of fellowship and Christmas fun on Wednesday, December 4! Our Christmas party will be at the Richard’s home from 7:00-9:00PM. We will enjoy some food, games, and a gift exchange. RSVP below if you plan on joining us and be sure to bring a gift valued at $20 or below for the gift exchange!
More Upcoming KBC Events:
KBC Odessa Ladies Ornament Exchange
Sunday, December 8, 2024: Ladies, mark your calendars for our Christmas Ornament Exchange on Sunday, December 8 starting at 5:30PM in the main lobby of our Odessa Ministry Center. We'll have a great night of fellowship, food, and games including the ornament exchange...
KBC Odessa Family Chat
Sunday, December 8, 2024: Our next Family Chat is scheduled for Sunday, December 8 following our morning service. In these chats, we'll come together to be encouraged with what God is doing in our midst and to participate in casual conversation between the membership...
KBC Wesley Chapel Family Chat
Sunday, December 8, 2024: Our next Family Chat is scheduled for Sunday, December 8 following our morning service. In these chats, we'll come together to be encouraged with what God is doing in our midst and to participate in casual conversation between the membership...