
If you are a follower of Christ, then God has commissioned you to engage in the greatest of all causes, namely, to honor Him by making and maturing disciples of Jesus (Matthew 28:19-20).  And, with that commission, He has given you unique, Spirit-empowered gifts to use in reaching the lost and serving the church.  Every believer has been given at least one gift and should intentionally and passionately use that giftedness for the glory of God in the context of the local church.

Here are some examples of ways that followers of Jesus regularly serve the body of Christ at Keystone:

Hospitality Team

This team includes those who serve on our: Parking Lot Team, Welcoming Team, Usher Team, Café Team, First Responder Team, and Connections Team.

Worship Team

Our Worship Team, consists of our Instrumentalists, Vocalists, and Tech Team volunteers that primarily serve during our regular gatherings.

Keystone Kids

Keystone Kids range from the ages of newborn to 5th grade. This team helps to serve our children during both of our Sunday hours as well as in our Awana program.

Keystone Students

Keystone Students range from 6th to 12th grade. These leaders work alongside our Pastor for Student Ministries to intentionally form relationships with students and their parents.

Care Team

This team primarily focuses on providing additional care to the orphans, widows, and elderly within our church. They help identify spiritual, physical, emotional, and life transition support.

Facility Maintenance Team

This team assists with various maintenance projects around the interior and exterior of our campus.

Events Team

This team assists in coordination, planning, and setup of our church-wide events.

Missions Team

This team assists in communication and managing our relationships with our Gospel Partners.